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Lindsey McTaggart

that Pam and Darryl crack me up. Hope you both are having a good time and trying to behave yourselves. On second thought, to hell with that, tear up the place. Wish I was there to join in the fun! Love to you both (or all 4?).

Mariam Kobras

Today, I'll help you tear up the place as well as I can. I may even lend you my cane to poke a few Hamburgian behinds.

Tammy McChesney

OMG, hilarious....this is better than a soap opera...eagerly waiting for the next chapter! :)

Isabel Wood

Nothing like flying business class on a long haul... sounds like the 1 hour journey to Hamburg was one that you could have passed on. LOL

Isabel Wood

almost forgot!.... have Holstein for me in Hamburg on Sunday morning at 6am in the Fischmarkt, it will give your day a boost!

leslie (crookedstamper)

HAHAHA! You two crack me up! I can't wait to see pics from your tweet-up with Mariam!!!!!!!

Sue C

Oh too funny! Keep writing, please!!!

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