I just finished Skyping with my nephew Teagan.
He is my sister's only son, only child, and tomorrow morning he is leaving for Afghanistan. It's hard to fathom the day has finally come. I think we keep telling ourselves that it is a long way off..but somehow the day we fear always arrives no matter how we try to delay the inevitable.
Speaking to him on Skype I could see he is going through a lot of emotions. His two little girls were all over him and he kept touching their hair. He LOVES being a soldier, he has found his passion in life but leaving behind his young family is not easy at all.
He and Amber recently got married...
They are so young and so in love...please keep him in your prayers and we will see him for Christmas :-)
Teagie, we are so very proud of you. Keep your head down and come home safe OK? We love you.
The request..
I know my sister Jean, and her hubby Zbysko, and Teagan's wife Amber are going to be going through a really tough time in the next little while. If you could...I know they would be so thrilled to receive some cards of encouragement. So if you can send them a note please e-mail me and I will give you their address. I think this first little while is going to be very hard for them.
You can e-mail me at [email protected]. Thanks :-)