About 10 years ago we bought two bulbs from a fancy garden center..they carry weird and wonderful things..one of them bloomed the next year...it was ENORMOUS..and it bloomed for about 5 years...and then we lost it. The other one we planted in the front garden and it has struggled for years to mature...it never quite made it to blooming level...until this year!!!
Check it out!!
Did I mention it is a carnivorous plant??? Thats meals-on-wings arriving
It has the prettiest ruffles...
and I am thinking that perhaps it was not the best idea to place it near the front door...because you all know what attracts fly's (aka it's dinner)...rotten meat...yes ...that's what I said...it smells like rotten meat DOH!
that bulb part in the picture below is where the fly's get caught and then the juices from the plant eat them up...LOL
Maybe next year it will be as big as my other one was...the tip of the spike was about 10 feet tall..this one is about 6 feet in total.
and no..the name has long been forgotten...I'll try to find it out for you. They certainly are fun to grow!!