When we got on the aircraft I wanted to take some pictures of the crew and the captain on his last trip. The new lens made this so easy :-).
Here is the whole gang.
The Captain
and, like a lot of pilots who are forced into retirement he held on until the very last possible day..his 60th birthday
He actually had a 48 hours birthday thanks to the international date line.
Then it was time to get to work..so I gave my camera to Andrew (aka Bird) and this is what I found on it when I got home..SWEET!!!
See that white light...here's a closer look
Lightening storm .. can you say BUMPY?
Tradition is that at the end of a pilots last flight that the firetrucks come out and spray the aircraft as he pulls in for the last time. It was pouring rain but they still came and followed tradition.
Setting the brake for the last time..so hard for them emotionally. We had the passengers clapping and cheering for him at this point.